2012 m. gegužės 31 d., ketvirtadienis


1) Why did Aslan's creatures, that came to save Edmund, could not find the Witch?
2) What do you think Aslan told Edmund?
3) What was the Stone Table used for by the Witch?

1) I think that Aslan need Edmund, because it is legend that abaut 4 kids save Narnia from The White Which.
2)I think Aslan said that The Witch is bad and he must don't believe her.
3)To kill Aslan.


  1. Snarl - urzgimas
  2. Fulfil - ivykdyti 
  3. Scornfully - ižeidžia
  4. Bargaining - sandėris
  5. Renounce - atsisakyti 

Chapter 13

By this time, Edmund is very tired. The White Witch pauses her sledge in a dark valley shadowed with fir trees and yew trees, and Edmund lays on the ground face-down, beyond hunger and thirst, and too tired to care what will happen to him. The Dwarf and the Witch discuss what they should do next, and the Witch ultimately decides to kill Edmund, though the proper place for such a killing seems to be on the Stone Table.
At that moment, the wolf arrives with the news that Maugrim, his captain, has been killed, and the Witch orders the wolf to summon all of her people to her. She quickly prepares to slaughter one of the four humans needed to fulfill the prophecy. Edmund is tied to a tree, and the Witch begins to whet a knife. Suddenly, they hear a commotion. The Witch screams, and then disappears, and Edmund faints.Edmund is carried back to the Stone Table by the light of the moon. The search party that Aslan had sent, however, can't figure out what happened to the Witch. Back in the valley, a stump and a boulder change back into the Witch and her Dwarf: she had used magic to transform them just as the knife was knocked from her hand. In the morning, when the children awaken, they see Aslan and Edmund walking together, deep in conversation. Although readers never learn what, exactly, is said, "it was a conversation Edmund never forgot." Aslan brings Edmund to the children and states, "there is no need to talk to him about what is past." Edmund tells each of the others that he is sorry, and Peter, Susan and Lucy answer that it is all right, though they all want to say something more to express how they feel.The Witchs Dwarf then arrives with the message that the Queen of Narnia seeks an audience with Aslan. He agrees to meet with her, and sends two leopards along with the Dwarf to ensure that the Witch leaves her wand behind. Lucy whispers to Peter worriedly that the Witch may change the leopards into stone; but Peter assures her that Aslan wouldn't have sent them if it wasn't all right.When the Witch arrives, everyone around her suddenly feels cold. She points at Edmund and declares that he is "a traitor" and, hence, his blood is her property. She states that according to the Deep Magic written on the Stone Table the World Ash Tree, and the scepter of the Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea: "every traitor belongs to me as my lawful prey and that for every treachery I have the right to kill." Mr. Beaver angrily reveals that the Witch had been the Emperors hangman. When a bull threatens the Witch with force, she snarls: "do you really think your master can rob me of my rights with mere force?" Lucy implores Aslan to figure out a way to work against the Deep Magic, but Aslan tells her that the idea is unthinkable. The Magic, it seems, is what governs them all.Aslan then takes the Witch aside, and they confer together. The children wait, wondering what they could be talking about, and Lucy begins crying. Aslan finally returns, and the matter appears to have been settled. The Witch, he states, has renounced her claim on Edmund. The Witch goes on her way, a look of "fierce joy" branded across her face. She turns to Aslan to ask him one last time how she will know that his promise will be kept, and Aslan growls angrily in response, frightening her away.

2012 m. gegužės 3 d., ketvirtadienis

I think yes, because they now must kill White Witch and Aslan said that children will be kings.

  1. Bugle - ragas
  2. Dense - tankus, tirštas
  3. Faint - nualpti
  4. Smeared - išteptas
  5. Blame - kaltė

2012 m. balandžio 22 d., sekmadienis

Chapter 12

While the dwarf and the White Witch were saying this, miles away the Beavers and the children were  walking on hour after hour into what seemed a delicious dream. They know that the Witch would no longer be able to use her sledge, but they didn't hurry so much. They were tired of course. Beavers and the children  reach the place of the Stone Table. Mr Beaver said that not long need to go and they began leading them uphill across some very deep. The sea was middle of  this open hill-top, stones was looked very old and there was very cut all over with strange lines and figures that might. They heard a sound of music and they turning in that direction and they see Aslan stood in the centre. There was Tree-Women and Well-Women and there was unicorn, a great Dog and two leopards. Peter advanced to the Lion and said " We have come ". Aslan greeted with all children and Beavers. Aslan ask " There is the fourth?" and Mr Beaver said that he joined with the Whitle Witch. Then Aslan said that ladies to the pavilion and minister to them. Peter was with Aslan. Aslan said to Peter that he will be High King. Peter heard something strange, it was like bugle. Aslan said that ishis sister horn, but Peter did not understand. Then Aslan said " Let the Prince win his spurs! ". Lucy was running towards from Naiads and Dryads and Susan make a dash for a free, followed by huge grey beast. Peter didn't feel very brave. He rushed straight up to the monster and aimed a slash of his sword at its side. Later monster lying ded and everything was blood. Susan came down the tree. They felt pretty shaky. Aslan said that Peter forgotten to clean him sword. The sword was all smeared with the Wolf's hair and blood.

2012 m. kovo 30 d., penktadienis

Question 2

How do you feel when you see all the changes in nature?
I was surprised, but happy, because in Narnia be warm and green.
Are you afraid of Aslan? Why/why not?
No, I don't.
How do I react to the White Which's behaviour?
I was happy, because in Narnia is spring and White Which not know what do to.
  1. Obey - paklusti 
  2. gallop - šuoliais
  3. nibble - apgraužti
  4. pitiful - graudus
  5. gluttony - apsirijimas

2012 m. kovo 20 d., antradienis

Chapter 11

Edmund meanwhile was disappointed. When Witch said dwarf to bring the food and drink, Edmund refused it, but Witch said he must to eat. So Edmund eat food, although was so stale he could hardly get it down.The White Witch ordering Edmund to go with her to Beavers house. When Edmund and Witch driving to Beavers, he can't stop thinking about her brother and sisters. When they came to Beavers huose, Edmund brother, sisters and Beavers wasn't there. So they decite to find them.When Edmund and Witch search for them, they saw fox, which eat something. Witch Queen asked fox, what gave them food. Them asked, that food gave Father Christmas. She scared and said, that he has not been here. So, she made them statues of creatures. They decited to search Edmund brother and sisters again, but when thay went, they stuck, because around them was much snow.Witch Queen and Edmund decided went by foot. They went a long road, when saw, that  the snow melts.. "the sky became bluer and bluer, the trees began to come fully alive" This is Spring, said dwarf..

2012 m. vasario 27 d., pirmadienis

The chronicles of Narnia : Chapter 10

Chapter 10
Susan, Lucy, Peter and Mr Beaver bagan to prepare themselves into coats, but Mrs Beaver started to picking up sacks, food and necessary things. Kids understook why Mrs Beaver doing it, but she explained, that the trip will be long and tiring. When everyone came out in outside then, the snow had stopped. As Mrs Beaver said thet trip will be long and tiring, as it was. Lucy was so tired that she was almost asleep and walking at the same time when suddenly she found that Mr Beaver had turned away from the river-bang to the right and was leading them uphill. Beaver is old hiding-place in bad times. Mrs Beaver took some kind medicine and give it kids, from that medicine they feel deliciously warm and after few seconds everyone went straight to sleep. Everyone wake up when they heard sound of jingling bells. Mr Beaver was outside and called everyone. And when they come out they saw sledge, few brown reindeer with bells on their harness. It was Santa Claus.  He brought a little gifts for children. For Lucy he gave a little bottle of what looked like glass and a small dagger. For Susan he handed her a bow and a quiver full arrows and a little ivory horn. For Peter he gave a shield and a sword.
Santa wished them good luck and went further.


1.I probably would choose a scene when Edmund painted lion glasses and whiskers. : )
2. Words: 1. reckoned;2. hilt;3. shiver;4.chimed;5. collar.

2012 m. vasario 24 d., penktadienis

The chronicles of Narnia : Chapters 9

Edmund went to White Witch's castle. Castle was really a small. Edmund opened the gate and looked inside into the courtyard. He was very scared because he saw lion and he thought that lion is real. Edmund hided form lion and waited for lion to leave. But after a few hours later Edmund started to think, why lion not moveing and he came close to loin and Edmund saw that lion even was a statue. Than he entered in kind of hall there was a lots of statues and all statues looked like real. Edmund walked till he saw another gate. Near the gate enter there was laying walf, Edmund think, to that wolf also made from stone, bet suddenly wolf wakw-up  and said  "who's there? stand still, stranger, and tell me who you are." Edmund said what he is and sain thet White Witch waiting his. Wolf accompany Edmund to White Witch room. White Witch was vey angry,
because Edmund not bring the Lucy,
Susan and Peter.Edmund said that Aslan is alive. White Witch was very surprised.

2012 m. vasario 9 d., ketvirtadienis

My first blog

Hi everyone !
I very happy to do my first blog .In this page you can comment my work and can write what you like or not like .I hope will like this page . : )